Website Development
Engage with your audience to sell your products and services, or just share and exchange information. We like to use ASP.NET Core and React to build websites. This website was created with ASP.NET Core!
News achieves a Lighthouse score of 100% in accessibility, best practices, performance, and SEO for all pages on mobile and desktop.
Lighthouse Results
Tap or hover a card to see more detail. achieves a Lighthouse score of 100% in accessibility, best practices, performance, and SEO for all pages on mobile and desktop.
This test was conducted on March 4, 2024 using Chrome 122.0.6261.95.
Follow these steps to test our website or yours:
1. Launch Chrome 122.0.6261.95+
2. Navigate to the page you want to test
3. Open "More tools" "Developer tools"
4. Select the "Lighthouse" tab
5. Select "Navigation (Default)" for Mode
6. Select "Mobile" or "Desktop" for Device
7. Select "Analyze page load"
Results between analyses may vary due to infrastructure load, network conditions, etc. We recommend running multiple analyses and using the average. achieves a Lighthouse score of 100%! achieves a Lighthouse score of 100% in accessibility, best practices, performance, and SEO for all pages on mobile and desktop.
Why Performance Matters
Transaction Volume
Walmart found that for every second that website load time was reduced, conversions increased by 2%.
Average Cart Value
The probability of abandoned carts increases with website load time: 32% at 3 seconds, 90% at 5 seconds, and 123% at 10 seconds.
Visitor Bounces
47% of visitors expect a website to load in 2 seconds or less and will leave after 3 seconds.
Advertising Cost
Advertising dollars are less effective if poor performance causes low transaction volume, low average cart value, and high visitor bounces.
Search Engine Ranking
Search engines like Google factor website performance into their ranking algorithms.
Data plans cost money. A visitor would have to view every page on our website, and repeat that 14,365 times, to exceed a 2GB data plan.
Contact us today to optimize your website and...
Increase transaction volume
Increase average cart value
Decrease visitor bounces
Decrease advertising cost
Improve search engine ranking
Be a good steward of data plans
Contact us today to optimize your website and...
Increase transaction volume
Increase average cart value
Decrease visitor bounces
Decrease advertising cost
Improve search engine ranking
Be a good steward of data plans
A Few Use Cases for Your Website
Tap or hover a card to see more detail.
Latest Projects
October 2024
Added Razor views to an ASP.NET Core MVC website for login creation / update / delete, signing in, forgot username / password, changing username / email address / password, and managing quotes / invoices / users.
August 2024
Added Razor widgets to an existing Sitefinity DX project for profile creation and update, changing email address / username / password, managing requests / accounts / administrators, and impersonation.
February 2024
Created React UIs for account creation and update, signing in with MFA, forgot username / password, changing email address / username / password, learning management, and shopping carts with payments.
Let's Talk
Contact us today to discuss the website you need to build.